About us

Revolutionizing Consultant Collaboration for Business Success

We embrace the 'new way of working' and the prevailing business trend where a significant portion of the workforce aspires to become specialists and consultants. Our platform is here to empower and facilitate this transformatiom for both agencies and business.

A different mindset

What we stand for

Flextribe is at the forefront of innovation, redefining the landscape of the consulting industry.

As a SaaS platform dedicated to the consultant business, we recognise the evolving demands of the modern business world. To stay competitive and drive revenue, consultant agencies must adapt to the increasing demands from companies. It's imperative for them to transform their operational setup.

Our mission at Flextribe is to lead this transformation. We are committed to helping our clients digitise their workflows, reducing the burden of manual tasks, and ultimately increasing their success rates. More importantly, we empower them to harness the power of data for informed decision-making.

With our cutting-edge product, we provide the tools needed to streamline operations, significantly enhancing efficiency and productivity. We are a dynamic and forward-thinking company with a bold vision – to make a profound business impact on consultant agencies.

We're here to support our clients in their journey towards adapting to the changing landscape of the consulting industry and thriving in the modern business world.

Our journey


Flextribe is co-created with KRING ventures. The vision was to enable companies to connect with skilful IT and Management consultants through a digital process


With excellent traction and successful investments from well-known investors Flextribe experienced rapid growth.


We decided to change Flextribe's direction to better meet the future needs of a successful agency despite its initial success.

Going forward

We want to create the best possible software for consultant agencies while digitalizing their entire process.

Empower your business

Start your journey today

Improve your odds of success while streamlining processes by eliminating manual bottlenecks.

Empower your business

Start your journey today

Improve your odds of success while streamlining processes by eliminating manual bottlenecks.

Empower your business

Start your journey today

Improve your odds of success while streamlining processes by eliminating manual bottlenecks.

We reimagined consulting, removing the manual steps in your process, and empowering your agency to increase revenue


Copyright © 2023 Flextribe

We reimagined consulting, removing the manual steps in your process, and empowering your agency to increase revenue


Copyright © 2023 Flextribe

We reimagined consulting, removing the manual steps in your process, and empowering your agency to increase revenue


Copyright © 2023 Flextribe